EPA RRP Rule Lead Certified Renovator Training in Dallas Fort Worth, Texas
If you do any type of renovation work in the greater Dallas Fort Worth area and have not yet taken the EPA RRP Rule Lead Certified Renovator Training Course and have not yet received firm approval from the EPA, you are breaking the law. That is the unfortunate truth. In fact, the EPA has begun enforcing the lead-based paint regulations and has heavily fined several companies recently.
Although the RRP Rule must have been precisely followed since April 22, 2010, the EPA’s final extended deadline for training passed on December 31, 2010 and the EPA can fine contractors and sub-contractors for violating the EPA’s Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule (RRP Rule), which deals with Lead-Based Paint in Pre-1978 Target Housing and Child-Occupied Facilities. Plus, the EPA has Three Full Years, from the time you finish each job, to audit your paperwork and make sure the RRP Rule was followed.
Too many contractors are risking their businesses by ignoring this regulation. The fines will be painful and the EPA is motivated to find, and fine, violators, since the EPA’s RRP Rule administration costs must be compensated through fines and registrations. Obviously, now that some contractors have been devastated by fines, which can be up to $37,500.00 per violation per day, other contractors will frantically scramble to sign up for training. You do NOT want to be a contractor that gets fined!
Think about it….How many Pre-1978 homes have you worked in since April 22, 2010, when the RRP Rule was enforced? Every one of those jobs is subject to the EPA’s audit for Three Full Years! How much risk exposure do you currently have? Are you willing to keep on extending your risk and liability? We are trying our best to keep you out of trouble. Please let us help you.
To learn more about the EPA RRP Rule, the Expiration of the Deadlines, and the Examples of Enforcement and Fines to Contractors, please see the detailed articles at www.LeadPaintProfessor.com.
The time for you to take the EPA RRP Rule Lead Certified Renovator Training is NOW. ConserveIQ and the “Lead Paint Professor” are now in the process of setting training dates for Dallas Fort Worth, Texas. These training classes will give you everything you need to comply with the RRP Rule. Please call (713) 213-1205 or e-mail svongonten@conserveiq.com to pre-register for the training classes or to ask for more information about the RRP Rule. We are here to help you.
About the Author
Scott von Gonten, CGA, CGP, CR, CDST, provides Consulting Services as well as the most accurate, effective, and memorable Certified Renovator Training and Certified Dust Sampling Technician Training available. ConserveIQ is partnering with the National Center for Healthy Housing, an EPA-accredited training provider, to present Certified Renovator and Certified Dust Sampling Technician training Nationwide. Scott is a Principal Instructor for NCHH, a Certified Renovator, a Certified Dust Sampling Technician, a Certified Graduate Associate, and a Certified Green Professional. He is also a member of the NAHB Society of Honored Associates, the Faculty of the NAHB University of Housing, the Boards of Directors for the National Association of Home Builders and the Texas Association of Builders, as well as many other boards, councils, and committees at the national, state, and local levels. You can contact him at svongonten@conserveiq.com or (713) 213-1205. Take the "ConserveIQ Quiz" at www.ConserveIQ.com.