EPA RRP Rule Lead Certified Renovator Training on Tuesday, October 25, 2011, in Houston, Texas

Peeling paint on siding

Peeling Lead-Based Paint on Panel Siding

EPA RRP Rule Lead Certified Renovator Training in Houston, Texas

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

GHBA Building

9511 W. Sam Houston Parkway North,

Houston, Texas 77064

$250.00 per Student when You Register On-Line, in Advance

$275.00 per Student if You Register On-Site, on August 30th


This course was developed by the U.S. EPA, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to train renovation, repair, and painting contractors how to work safely in housing with lead-based paint and comply with EPA’s Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule, and HUD’s Lead Safe Housing Rule. ConserveIQ is partnering with the National Center for Healthy Housing, an EPA-accredited training provider, to present Certified Renovator classes.

About the Author
Scott von Gonten, CGA, CGP, CR, CDST, provides Consulting Services as well as the most accurate, effective, and memorable Certified Renovator Training and Certified Dust Sampling Technician Training available. ConserveIQ is partnering with the National Center for Healthy Housing, an EPA-accredited training provider, to present Certified Renovator and Certified Dust Sampling Technician training Nationwide. Scott is a Principal Instructor for NCHH, a Certified Renovator, a Certified Dust Sampling Technician, a Certified Graduate Associate, and a Certified Green Professional. He is also a member of the NAHB Society of Honored Associates, the Faculty of the NAHB University of Housing, the Boards of Directors for the National Association of Home Builders and the Texas Association of Builders, as well as many other boards, councils, and committees at the national, state, and local levels. You can contact him at svongonten@conserveiq.com or (713) 213-1205. Take the "ConserveIQ Quiz" at www.ConserveIQ.com.